Saturday, May 3, 2014

Blog Entry 7: The Meatrix Issues

I thought the Meatrix was a softer way to look at the alerting issues that are going on in our own society that pertain to factory farming. I am sure if the real truths were video taped and shown in actuality it would probably be disturbing and not watchable for most people. One of the issues here is that factory farming is destroying our environment. This is a very important issue to look at because it concerns all of us including the farmers and the large companies that own these factory farms. We need to care about the fact that factory farming agriculture has a negative impact on our lands and environment. These factory farms continuously have huge amounts of waste that effect the air,water,and land. These pollutants include manure that carry other antibiotics and hormones that contaminate our  waterways, and effect plants, and animal life that live in them. These factory farms emit harmful gases such as methane and hydrogen sulfide. These gases contribute to global warming and harm the health of those living or working nearby. These two issues alone are enough to see that this is a serious concern and really should be dealt with immediately. I think education about sustainable farming is the answer we are looking for.  Sustainable farming is a way to fill some of the hole we as a society have created for ourselves. Using these farming techniques such as crop rotation, raising free range animals on natural lands, and conservation tillage we will make food without having a negative effect on our environment. The moral of the story I got from the meatrix and these dangerous issues surrounding factory farming is don't poop where you eat!

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